Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Inuyasha Episode 1

Here's another classic anime. Enjoy!!!

2nd Post Assignment

Japanese is getting harder as the sentences get longer. Missing a day didn't help either! すみませんせんせい。However, it's fun extending our vocabulary, and the fact that we can conjugate long sentences is pretty cool.
Oh, and the upcoming exam is not making life any easier. But I won't give up!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anime Collection 2--Fullmetal Alchemist

If you've never seen Fullmetal Alchemist, watch this episode. It's slow at first, but trust me, it'll get you in the end. It's such a powerful show.

Anime Collection 1--Pokemon

Hey all,
After sitting through class and looking at everyone's really cool blogs, I thought I would take a moment to go through some of my favorite anime, from then until now, and post a couple of clips.

Here's a classic one. Enjoy!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

English Introduction

Konnichiwa!!! I wanted to study Japanese this year to expand my language knowledge, and to take a class that I did not have to take for any requirement. I have heard that it's a lot of fun, even though it's hard. Japanese will take a lot of time to learn, but I am excited to learn all three alphabets and many Japanese words. I am worried about having time for everything this semester, and for remembering everything that I learned these past few weeks, but I am looking forward to a great course nevertheless!
Arigato; ja mata raishu!!!

