Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anime Collection 1--Pokemon

Hey all,
After sitting through class and looking at everyone's really cool blogs, I thought I would take a moment to go through some of my favorite anime, from then until now, and post a couple of clips.

Here's a classic one. Enjoy!!!


Maureen Stimola said...

I see you really like anime!! Thanks for putting up the pokemon clip! I have never really been much into anime - but there was a time when I LOVED pokemon...and I still LOVE this theme song. It's so intense. :) or, I guess the Asian emoticon equivalent is ^__^ ?

Anna said...

いぬやしゃがだいすきです。 The series kind of went on and on, but for a while it was one of my favorites. I think I was indroduced to anime either through Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Davidetc said...

Really? Yu Yu Hakusho was one of my favorites, but then I stopped watching it for a month, and when it started up again, I was completely lost. I still remember some stuff, like the three items (the forlorn mirror, the sword, etc.), but not very much. It was a really enjoyable anime though.